Cyberlearning Summit - VCNP Science and Education Center, Jemez Springs, NM

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - Friday, January 27, 2012

Purpose:  to bring together people who have been working on EPSCoR K-12 cyberlearning activities in NM, NV and ID to:
 •    learn more about the activities, programs, and materials that have been supported by NSF EPSCoR in the three states;
•    identify components that are suitable for scaling and/or disseminating to other locations;
•    identify mechanisms, including funding opportunities, to scale and/or disseminate components;
•    develop publications to share information about cyberlearning activities, programs, and materials.

Format: 2 day face-to-face meeting with focus areas:
 1.    Educational programs for students and/or teachers (e.g., GUTS, Supercomputing Challenge)—ongoing through school year; requires new “structures” for full implementation
 2.    Curricular Materials (e.g., UNLV climate units, Unit by McNeil in ID)—may need p.d. for use but can be implemented in a variety of locations without any new “structures”
 3.    Other resources for using data (e.g., the MOSS HIS portal, visualization tools and games from NMT, Nancy Glenn’s visualization work)—I don’t know the best way to characterize these but they seem different from #1 and #2 above
Sessions at the meeting will be highly interactive, including working with digital tools as needed to understand their potential.  Facilitated discussions will be geared towards evaluating components for possible scaling and dissemination (what is needed) and identifying steps, timelines and who is responsible for carrying out actions.

Given the time, we will not be able to look at everything that has been developed or is under development, so organizers will need to prioritize which programs, activities, and materials are included.  The workshop should NOT be focused on “tooting our own horns” but really looking for ways to connect, disseminate and, replicate the work.

Participants:  Leaders of EPSCoR Cyberlearning efforts, including K-12 teachers
10 participants per state
Travel, lodging, and meals will be paid for by EPSCoR programs
Idaho EPSCoR Nevada EPSCoR New Mexico EPSCoR
This material is based in part upon work supported by: The National Science Foundation under grant number(s) IIA-1329469, IIA-1329470 and IIA-1329513. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.