The consortium effort uses a closely linked observatory system tied to a computational environment - the virtual watershed (VW) - that requires faculty and students to understand the project's watershed and CI research.
Graduate Interdisciplinary Training (GIT)
Years 1, 2, and 3: Tri-state Consortium meeting, during which faculty will present information about modeling, visualization, and data management to enable all project participants to develop a shared vocabulary and conceptual foundation for on-going collaboration. Consortium coordination meetings will provide additional interdisciplinary training opportunities for students, faculty and staff.
Summer Institute will provide training for students, faculty and staff from all of the Consortium states in developing CSDMS adapters for the models being used by the Watershed Science Component. Year 1: Observatory and Virtual Watershed Design; Year 2: Interdisciplinary Modeling Course; and Year 3: Capstone and Leadership Development.
Year 1: Snow Camp for watershed science graduate students that will create the collaborative foundation of the watershed student cohort.
Year 2:
Undergraduate Visualization and Modeling Network (UVMN)
The VW environments proposed by the Consortium provide a platform through which to include new technologies and research to undergraduates and faculty at predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs).
Years 1, 2, and 3: Professional development for 10 teams of two cohorts of PUI instructors and students, 1 PUI instructor and 1 student from the same instititution, through a series of workshops and on-going virtual and face-to-face mentoring. 3 Day Summer Workshop on modeling, visualization, and other CI tools - Following the workshop, the instructors and students will work collaboratively to develop and implement an educational module that uses appropriate modeling and/or visualization for existing undergraduate STEM courses.
Year 1: UVMN Summer Workshop, May 29–31, 2014, New Mexico
Year 2: UVMN Summer Workshop, June 3–5, 2015, Boise, Idaho
Application Deadline: March 2, 2015